22 June, 2006

Bleach 86 - Rangiku

Rangiku Vs that 1st divison capt copycat

1st-division copy cat .. why ?
1. cane
2. sit on a chair 89% of the time
3. Old men.
4. winkles
5. ermm looks like twins.

basically i jus watch this epi because i want to see Rangiku's zanpatu's power.but not very impressive tho , jus a bunch of ashes .. really bunch of ashes and is jus used to cut a circle on the gnd..... and highly easy to be absorb /eaten by the whale's mouth. errr isn't the point of the ashes to be infinite or uncatchable .. like those 6th's division capt's sakura petals or maybe more fluid than bakuya's cos ashes vs petals , ashes are smaller , urgh u can imagine by urself. . bleh...

Indices : Strawberry Panic , Simoun

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