15 June, 2006


I'm currently subscribe to one and only cable TV company in my country = st*rh*b , well can't write the full name :D jus one guy got charged in court a few days ago for posting christ (biting a boy's head) cartoons in his blog LOL...

I understand the necessity of the law cos racism and religious conflicts can destroy and undermine the peace of a country which our forebears work so hard to build up. But getting charge cos of posting a cartoon in the internet blog is kinda ermmm ... he's not on purpose insulting someone. well that political bullshit is not what this is abt.

I jus change my TV set-top box today from analogue to digital (has a smart card) well i noticed that all the channels has been enabled( i didn't even make any channel changes) even those i didn't subscribe ..wow .. i mean what the hell lol :D well

1.i can call them let them know
2 stay quiet
3. wait for the bill and decide
4. wait till 2morrow and decide ...

crap what to do ?? heh .... probly this will work till they sort out which channels i'm subscribe to and then scrambled them , i h8 to admit this but i'll probly choose 4 then call them if still got the channels 2morrow...

the cable tv company is kinda bully and will still bill u for every thing if u dun report it. and if u dispute it , they will make u pay first (lawyer letter for late payment and all that) then return u the cash , if it's proven to be their fault , in the next accounting year (it happens with my hand phone company, those bast*rds send me my refund 5 months after i got mad and canceled their fubar services ) well nothing we can do in this monopoly state city :D

hell i'm jus finding stuff to trouble me . maybe i'm too bored . my mom + sister has 99.99% monopoly of the TV with set-top box , i never able to watch the shows i wanted on cable tv. another set-top box for my tv in the room is like $12 dollars more per month ... bloody blood suckers ... i generally jus watch anime dvds and stuffs on my comp.

Indices : Strawberry Panic , Simoun

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